Karmic and Ancestral Clearings

Open yourself to all that life has to offer with prayer, mantras, and energetic transmissions.
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3.5 hours total
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What Our Clients Have to Say

Donal has excellent practical skills and deep mystical knowledge and can use both in his healing and guidance sessions.
Donal guided me through difficult relationships to the man I am now happily married to. I highly recommend him!
Donal used powerful tools to balance my broken heart. Even months later I am in a happier and more loving reality.

This service is conducted remotely via Zoom or phone!

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You can connect online using the browser on any device!

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You can dial in to your session using any phone!

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You can turn on your video if you are using a browser!

This is for you if you experience any of these problems!

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Karmic Patterns

Lessons or contracts from past lives or ancestors are negatively affecting you.
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Vicious Cycles

Repeating situations and behaviors are trapping you in unwanted patterns.
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Bad Luck

You have many unfavorable and unlikely experiences that are out of your control.

Become empowered to make real changes in your life!

spiritual soul

Attract Abundance

You will release energy blockages and finally welcome the abundance that life has to offer.
cosmic tree of life

Love Your Life

You will uncover and learn to appreciate the beauty that is coded in you.
cosmic angel wings

Break the Cycle

You will become energetically unstuck from bad cycles and become able to advance in life.

Do you want to schedule this service and finally get the help that you need?

Scheduling takes 2 minutes.