The 3 Blue Moon Types And Their Meanings

There are three types of Blue Moons. Most believe that the Calendrical and Seasonal Blue Moons do not have any significance. However, Astrological Blue Moons are associated with good luck and the spirit world.
man praying in front of a blue moon

You may have heard the expression “Once in a Blue Moon.” It is used to describe a rare event.

This phrase comes from the rarity of the Blue Moon’s occurrence. But did you know that there are three types of Blue Moon? The three types of Blue Moon are the Calendrical Blue Moon, the Seasonal Blue Moon, and the Astrological Blue Moon.

Calendrical Blue Moon

Months are supposed to have only one Full Moon. However, there is a slight chance for long months to have two Full Moons. The second Full Moon during a single calendar month is called a Calendrical Blue Moon.

Meaning and Symbolism of the Calendrical Blue Moon

Most do not consider the Calendrical Blue Moon to have any spiritual or symbolic significance. This is because its classification is based only on the man-made Gregorian calendar. Not all regions on Earth use the Gregorian calendar, and people in different time zones may not even see the "extra" Full Moon during the same month.

FUN FACT: February never has Calendrical Blue Moons because it has only 28 days.

Seasonal Blue Moon

Seasons are only supposed to have three Full Moons, one for each month in a season. A Seasonal Blue Moon is the third Full Moon in a season that is predicted to have four Full Moons.

Farmers mark Seasonal Blue Moons to make sure that they do not end seasons too early. Farmers would not be able to effectively grow seasonal crops if they did not account for Seasonal Blue Moons.

Meaning and Symbolism of the Seasonal Blue Moon

Though tracking Seasonal Blue Moons is important, most do not believe that Seasonal Blue Moons have any spiritual or symbolic significance.

Astrological Blue Moon

An Astrological Blue Moon occurs when a second Full Moon rises during the Sun’s passage through a Zodiac Sign. This is not to be confused with a Calendrical Blue Moon, which is the second Full Moon in a man-made month.

Meaning and Symbolism of the Astrological Blue Moon

Unlike the other Blue Moon types, the Astrological Blue Moon does have spiritual and symbolic significance. Astrological Blue Moons are associated with good luck and the spirit world.

Many believe that the separation between the Spirit and Material Realms is weakened during an Astrological Blue Moon. The night of the Astrological Blue Moon may be a good time for you to practice astral travel or strengthen your connection with your Spirit Guides.

You may experience great luck or come into great fortunes during the Astrological Blue Moon. In fact, you may be extra lucky and energetically powerful if the Astrological Blue Moon is passing through your Zodiac Sign!

Astrological Full Moons are a fantastic opportunity to charge items that you use for divination. Many people charge their tarot cards, pendulums, runes, crystals, satchels, and even water during Astrological Full Moons. The moon’s energy may strengthen these items’ connections to the Astral Realm and increase their effectiveness.

FUN FACT: Despite popular belief, Blue Moons are not actually blue. However, there is a type of magical moon that appears red. Click here to learn about the Blood Moon.

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