Spiritual Meanings Of Moon Phases

The New Moon marks a good time to embark on new journeys. The Waxing Phases build into the Full Moon, which is a time of intense lunar energy and abundance. The Waning Phases come next and represent learning and the end of cycles.
a spiritual woman holding a full moon

Together, the phases of the moon represent never ending cycles and change. From light to dark, from beginning to end, the moon goes on. You may use the moon as a guide through life's many cycles and challenges if you come to fully understand its path and energies.

The New Moon

If ever you look into the clear night sky and don’t see the moon, you may be in the time of the New Moon. The New Moon is the first phase of the moon’s cycle (or lunar period).

During this phase, the sun’s light barely illuminates the moon. This makes the moon either invisible or barely visible to the unaided eye.

The Spiritual Meaning of the New Moon

Since the New Moon occurs at the start of the moon’s cycle, the New Moon represents rebirth and new beginnings. It marks a good time to start new journeys, take on new responsibilities, set resolutions for the coming month, and make your intentions and aspirations known to the universe.

If you are in a time of darkness, the New Moon may also mean that you are on the cusp of illumination, abundance, and positive changes.

Positive affirmations are especially powerful during the New Moon because they will set the stage for what is to come during the remainder of the lunar period.

The Waxing Phases

The Waxing phases come directly after the New Moon. During the Waxing Phases, the moon is slowly revealed until it becomes the supercharged Full Moon.

The Waxing Phases are a time of sowing seeds, manifestation, and growth. The Waxing Phases include the Waxing Crescent, the Waxing Quarter, and the Waxing Gibbous.

The Spiritual meaning of the Waxing Crescent

The Waxing Crescent is the first phase of the Waxing Phases, during which the moon looks like a bright banana in the night sky. The Waxing Crescent reveals opportunities as you work towards fulfilling your intentions.

The Spiritual Meaning of the Waxing Quarter

Marking the completion of a quarter of it’s cycle, the moon will appear half-illuminated in the night sky. The Waxing Quarter represents the midpoint between the beginning and climax of your new journeys and efforts.

The Waxing Quarter is the time of strength, determination, and commitment. You may face difficult challenges during this phase but know that your efforts will come to fruition soon.

The Spiritual Meaning of the Waxing Gibbous

The Waxing Gibbous is the next phase of the lunar cycle. During this phase, the moon is mostly lit.

During the Waxing Gibbous, you may begin to see your work, affirmations, and intentions come to fruition in preparation for the intense energy and climax of the Full Moon.

You may begin to feel especially strong lunar and chaotic energy during this time, and may want to make sure that your own energies are in check.

The Full Moon

During the Full Moon, the entire Earth-facing side of the moon is fully illuminated by the sun. This happens when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon in the cosmos.

During this time, the Moon may appear unexpectedly large and clear in the sky. You may feel especially at awe while looking at it and experience a strong energetic draw towards it.

The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Moon

Many say that the Full Moon is the most powerful phase energetically. The Full Moon represents completing and wholeness, making its lunar energy especially potent.

The Full Moon does not last for long, so it marks a good time to charge anything that you use for divination with its divine and powerful energy. Some items that you may want to charge include:

  • Herbs
  • Satchels
  • Crystals
  • Pendants
  • Pendulums
  • Tarot cards

Many also charge water to store the Full Moon’s energy for extended periods of time. Moon water is an especially powerful cleanser and can be used to charge objects with lunar energy.

Some believe that the full moon causes disturbances in sleep or behavior. It is important to make sure that you are energetically aligned and balanced during this time.

You may find your hard work and patience finally paying off around the time of the Full Moon as its energies of wholeness and completion bring you abundance. You may also notice significant improvements in your self-development.

FUN FACT: Feminine energies are especially powerful during the Full Moon, as the moon is a feminine celestial body.

The Waning Phases

The Waning Phases come as the Full Moon sets over the horizon. During the Waning Phases, the moon slowly returns to shadow and begins its transition back into the New Moon.

The Waning Phases represent the ending of cycles. As there are three Waxing Phases, there are three Waning Phases. The Waning Phases include the Waning Gibbous, the Waning Quarter, and the Waning Crescent.

The Spiritual Meaning Of The Waning Gibbous

As sun slowly illuminated the moon during the Waxing Phases, the moon slowly turns to shade during the Waning Phases. The Waning Gibbous is the first phase of the moon becoming dark again.

The Waning Gibbous marks a good time to discard negative energies and blockages from the energy storms of the previous phases. If you are currently experiencing difficulties with this, click here to take a look at our Karmic and Ancestral Clearings service.

The Spiritual meaning Of The Waning Quarter

The Waning Quarter comes after the Waning Gibbous. The Waning Quarter occurs at the point where the moon is once again half shaded.

At this point, the moon has completed three-fourths of its cycle and will soon be reborn. The Waning Quarter is a good time to clear your mind, meditate, and reflect on the events of the past month.

The Spiritual Meaning Of The Waning Crescent

The Waning Crescent comes after the Waning Quarter and is the point at which the moon is almost totally engulfed in darkness. It is the final phase before the moon is reborn during the New Moon.

During the Waning Crescent it is time to let go of that which no longer serves you to welcome the next lunar cycle’s abundance.

The moon is reborn as the New Moon once the Waning Crescent concludes and the moon, as it always has, returns to total darkness.

FUN FACT: There is a rare super charged version of the Full Moon called the Blue Moon. The Blue Moon brings luck and strengthens the connection between the spirit and physical realms. Click here to read about it and other special moon types!

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